Agegroup Multisport Podcast (Triathlon,Duathlon,Aquabike,Aquathlon)
Triathlon as a sport has a unique part to it, where it allows everyday people to compete in a range of sports, Triathlon, swim bike and run, Duathlon, run, bike,run, Aquathlon, swim, run and Aquabike, swim and bike, for their country against others in their agegroup.
The Agegroup Multisport Podcast is a platform where Agegroup Multisport Athletes from around the world, share their Journey from Multisport beginner to Agegroup Athlete.
In telling their stories the athletes are providing valuable information and insights about their experiences, we can all learn from these, which will in turn help our own multisport adventure.
Listen to their training regimes, favourite kit, how they decide which races to aim for. Its free information from athletes who know, how to research, prepare, train, race and perform to reach their goals.
Ive learnt a lot from having these Agegroupers on the podcast, its helping me and it can help you too.
I don't do this for monetary gains, there are no commercial or financial sponsorships of any kind its just a way of giving back to my multisport community.
You can listen to us on all the major podcast platforms, and on our youtube channel and catch us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Daniel Evans GB Long Distance Agegroup Triathlete

Australian Age Group Triathlete Gemma Berry

GB Agegroup Multisport Athlete Hannah Storm

Grant Paling GB Agegroup Triathlete

Duncan Robb-creator of 220 Triathlon Magazine

GB Agegroup Triathlete Andy Holladay

Paul Haslam GB Agegrouper

Episode 112 GB Agegroup Triathlete Sarah Barrett

Agegroup Athlete Penny Bullimore

Episode 110 Robert Holloway

GB Triathlon Agegrouper Ed Cross

Natasha Pertwee

Episode 107 Mike Jubb

Agegroup Triathlete Steve Hunt

Irish Agegroup Triathlete Rob Dwyer

Episode 104 Featuring Irelands Agegroup Ultra Runner David Kelleher

Episode 103 featuring GB Agegrouper Nicola Dawson

Sport Psychologist Natacha Lazareff

Eoin Bailey Irish Agegrouper

Episode 100 Kate Conway

Jo Lewis Agegrouper & Founder of Tri50.co.uk

Callum Smith Episode 98

Agegroup Triathlete Mal Smith - Raising the profile of Paratriathlon