Agegroup Multisport Podcast (Triathlon,Duathlon,Aquabike,Aquathlon)
Triathlon as a sport has a unique part to it, where it allows everyday people to compete in a range of sports, Triathlon, swim bike and run, Duathlon, run, bike,run, Aquathlon, swim, run and Aquabike, swim and bike, for their country against others in their agegroup.
The Agegroup Multisport Podcast is a platform where Agegroup Multisport Athletes from around the world, share their Journey from Multisport beginner to Agegroup Athlete.
In telling their stories the athletes are providing valuable information and insights about their experiences, we can all learn from these, which will in turn help our own multisport adventure.
Listen to their training regimes, favourite kit, how they decide which races to aim for. Its free information from athletes who know, how to research, prepare, train, race and perform to reach their goals.
Ive learnt a lot from having these Agegroupers on the podcast, its helping me and it can help you too.
I don't do this for monetary gains, there are no commercial or financial sponsorships of any kind its just a way of giving back to my multisport community.
You can listen to us on all the major podcast platforms, and on our youtube channel and catch us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Agegroup Multisport Podcast (Triathlon,Duathlon,Aquabike,Aquathlon)
Irish Agegroup Triathlete Rob Dwyer
It was a pleasure to meet and chat to Irish Multisport Athlete Rob Dwyer
Robs story, though relatively new to multisport, was refreshing to hear.
Rob says
"I came from a hurling back round which I played right up until last May 2023.
I decided to retire from it and a friend of mine was at me to have a go at a triathlon since covid, with that I took on my first try a tri in June of 2023."
"After that first one I was hooked and with the season pretty much under way, I decided to take on the pikeman an Olympic distance Triathlon in Wexford that year.
That was a wrap for 2023, then over the Christmas period I was training away on the turbo and my friend decided it would be great idea to take on Ironman Wales in September 2024 which I signed up for. "
"So with that done I got training and decided to to take on the duathlon season in 2024 with kicking of my season off in Waterford and wrapping it up in The Phoniex park for the national finals. With my results in that being good enough I was lucky enough to be put forward to represent Ireland at the world championships in Malaga later this year."
You can find Rob on instagram at rob_dwyer
Thanks for listening.
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email: agegroupmultisportpodcast@gmail.com
If you are an agegroup athlete and would like to come on the pod, get in touch.